This is a free, fully moderated newsgroup, delivered by email. It runs on Google Groups.
If you have registered with CMNC, you will receive CMNC workshop announcements, even if you do not join CMNClist.
- If you opt to be added to CMNClist, you will receive email messages sent by fellow subscribers to CMNClist, and you may post messages relevant to chamber musicians.
- The moderator reviews all postings (messages) before they are sent out, so that only pertinent announcements, informational postings, and inquiries are accepted.
- Examples: upcoming concerts, player seeking other interested players.
- This is not a discussion group, so there are few messages (a few per week to a few per day).
- Almost all follow-ups occur between individuals (off-list).
To subscribe to CMNClist
Login - if you are a CMNC member or are on our mailing list.
For Login support, use our Contact Form
or call 510.828.4148 - Register - if you are new to CMNC.
- After you login or register, look near the bottom of your Member Panel for the CMNClist checkbox.
Click the checkbox and then click the Update/Submit button.
- If you currently receive messages with [CMNClist] in the subject line, you are already subscribed -- do not check the box unless you want to use a new email address
- The checkbox will revert to unchecked, so it does not show whether you are already subscribed
- If possible, you will be directly subscribed (part of the process is manually accomplished by the moderator: it is not automatic, so it may take a few days).
- GoogleGroups now allows only invitations (not direct subscriptions) for some non-Gmail addresses, so you will receive an invitation which you will need to accept.
To post a message to CMNClist (after you have been added/subscribed)
- use your subscribed email account
- if you subscribed as moz@oboe.zzz your message will be rejected if sent from moz@cello.zzz or dv@oboe.zzz
- email your message to
- if you are sending to others at the same time, please place all email addresses in Bcc: (rather than To: or Cc:) to protect the privacy of your recipients
- Required in your subject line -- you may have to rewrite and resend if these are not present:
- What you are announcing: Group name concert, kind of instrument for sale, player seeking other players etc., as appropriate
- Location (city or county or area as appropriate) for concerts, events, instruments for sale, rehearsing group, anything location-specific -- so those outside your area can choose to stop reading
- Most important info should be near the beginning -- example: if you are cancelling an event, the subject line should start with CANCELLED:
- Date of your event
- Try to be succinct
- Required in your message -- near the top of your message, type the Street Address for your event -- having this information buried in or below a graphic, link, or attachment, or way down in your text, is not enough
- include your full name -- i.e. First and Last Names -- near the beginning or end of your message, making it obvious who sent it
- examples: Posted by (your full name) or Sent by (your full name) or your full name if it's clear in context that you sent it.
- your message
- Please send your message exactly as you want it to be seen. The moderator cannot edit your message or your subject line.
- Use the Contact page to communicate with the moderator.
- Please don’t overload the list by sending the same or similar message more often than once a week, or more than twice altogether.
- Recommended: If you forward a message from another email list, review it carefully -- especially near the bottom.
- Remove any link that would unsubscribe you from the other list, otherwise you take the chance that someone might accidentally unsubscribe you.
- If you subscribed with your Gmail account and you do not receive a copy of your own approved message, this is a deliberate action by Google. They used to have a page describing it, but they have taken it down.
In case they put it back someday, it was
Google's explanation was quoted at and is reproduced below:
"When you send mail to any group or mailing list you subscribe to, Gmail automatically skips your inbox and archives the message to save you time and prevent clutter. The message will appear in your inbox if someone responds to it or if there is an error delivering the message. If you’d like to view your message, you can find it in Sent Mail or All Mail."
If you sign in to Google at with your subscribed gmail address, you can see your approved message (wait a day or so before checking).
Reply to the Original Sender
- please click Reply
- if you click Reply to All, your response goes to the moderator as well
- as this is not a discussion group, replies to CMNClist messages are unlikely to be accepted for posting
To Update Your Email Address
- If you have a Google account (if you use gmail, for instance)
- you may use the link at the bottom of each message to manage your account and options.
- In addition, please Login to CMNC to update your CMNC record.
- the CMNClist database is on GoogleGroups, separate from the CMNC database.
- If you don't have a Google account or you prefer the following, you may
- Login to CMNC
- update your email address, etc
- check the CMNClist box near the bottom of your CMNC Member Panel
- submit the update
- your new address will be subscribed
- you will also need to unsubscribe your old address from CMNClist
- the CMNClist database is on GoogleGroups, separate from the CMNC database, so removing your old address is not automatic
- or use CMNC's contact form and specify
- For Webmaster
- "update is for CMNClist"
- new email address
- old email address to be removed from CMNClist
- The Login to CMNC method is preferred, so your CMNC record is also updated
- If CMNClist messages to your email address bounce, the moderator may update your subscribed address to the one in the CMNC database.
To Unsubscribe
- send from the email account to be unsubscribed
- send an email To: - these instructions are also at the bottom of each message
If you are on CMNClist and you do not have a Google account
- you may post messages using your subscribed email address
- you will receive posted email messages.
- you may unsubscribe yourself
If you are on CMNClist and you have a Google account (you use gmail for instance)
- you may post messages using your subscribed email address
- after you sign in on, click on Groups
- you may need to click on More and then on Groups
OR - go to
- you may need to click on More and then on Groups
- you can change how you receive messages (individually, digest, or online only)
- you can read current and previous messages online
- you can change your subscribed email address.
- you may unsubscribe yourself
See Without a Gmail address for ways to handle this circumstance (scroll almost to bottom of that page).
For further information or assistance, use CMNC's contact form and specify For Webmaster