Chamber Music Library
CMNC's chamber music library is provided for the use of its workshop participants and coaches.
Sorry, it is not a lending library.
This listing of the scores currently in our library is provided for the use of chamber music enthusiasts everywhere. We hope you will use it to get new ideas about wonderful works to play. Browse through the library. Take notes and head for your favorite lending library, music store, or publishing house. See also CMNC's Obtaining Music. When you have your music, call your friends together and enjoy playing a new work!
CMNC’s chamber music library is indexed
by Composer and
by Instrumental Combination.
The instrumentation classification (Grp or Grouping -- called Class in some pdf files) has three parts:
1. A number which tells how many players are needed
2. An instrumentation code -- a single letter:
S if stringed instruments are used
W if woodwinds are used (includes Horn)
V if voice is used
M for mixed strings and woodwinds
3. The suffix K if, in addition, a keyboard is used.
Here are some examples:
3S Vn, Va, Vc Beethoven, Ludwig van Trio in G major Op. 9 #1
4M Ob, Vn, Va, Vc Jacob, Gordon Quartet for Oboe and Strings
3SK Vn, Vc, Pn Brahms, Johannes Trio No. 1 in B Major Op. 8
The letter S at the end of some catalog numbers (CatNo) indicates CMNC owns a score for the item.
SC in Grp (or Class) denotes a volume of scores.
Sv in Combo = Soprano (voice)